광고학연구: 제 21권 4호
The Korean Journal Advertising, Vol.21, No.4. (2010)

소비자 충족 적소 개념을 적용한 프로농구장 내 MPR 매체 효과 연구

  • 유성훈·C&M 미디어원 취재기자
  • 박종민·경희대 언론정보학과 교수, 언론학박사
스포츠 MPR과 적소이론을 바탕으로 본 연구는 프로농구 경기장에서의 전광판, 펜스, 구단이벤트, 선수유니폼 등 MPR 매체에 대한 관람객 태도 적소를 알아보았다. Dimmick의 연구로 시작된 매체에 대한 적소 개념의 적용을 확장하여 본 연구는 프로농구 경기장 내 다양한 매체 노출 환경을 환경으로 그리고 MPR 매체들을 개체군으로 개념정의하고 경기장내 관람객들의 MPR 매체 호감도와 매체 내 정보(제품, 기업)들에 대한 기억(회상도)과 태도(호감도)를 자원으로 정의하여 이들 간의 적소폭, 적소중복, 경쟁적 우위를 비교분석하였다. 연구 결과, 선수유니폼과 구단이벤트가 전광판, 펜스에 비해 적소폭과 경쟁 우위가 높았고, 전광판과 펜스와 같은 정적인 MPR 매체와 이벤트, 유니폼 같은 동적인 매체 간에 그리고, 장기적 노출이 이루어지는 전광판, 펜스와 단기적이고 집중적인 노출이 이루어지는 이벤트 간에 측정 변인들의 보완성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 그 이외 다양한 연구 결과의 함의가 논의되었다.
프로농구,MPR 매체,기억,회상도,태도,호감도,충족적소

Consumer gratification niche analysis on marketing public relations media (display screen, fence, event, and uniform) in the inside of professional basketball stadium

  • Seong Hoon RYU
  • Jongmin PARK
Recently, due to the development of mass media, 40-hour week, and increase of leisure time, the interest toward watching sports is getting bigger. The rise of various professional sports such as the Olympics and the World cup and people's interest and participation to them created new consumption patterns. Yet, active and aggressive marketing and public relations strategies of the corporations for the profession sports teams are very insufficient. This research tried to see how the marketing public relations media - main display screens, fences, events, and uniforms of players - are recognized by consumers and how each marketing public relations media compete. For this research, the niche theory, which tells about the relationship of a population that compete for a limited resource, was used. We did an intercept survey to 140 spectators in a professional basketball game to draw the niche theory's main concepts such as niche breadth, niche overlap, and competitive superiority about the attitude toward marketing public relations media, the memory and attitude to the exposed product and company in marketing public relations media. The result was that when considering niche breadth, niche overlap and competitive superiority of a company's memory and attitude, the competitiveness of events and uniforms of players were commonly superior to that of displays and fences. These results advise what marketing and public relations strategies companies and sports related teams should establish. Also this research has a significance in that it expanded the subject of niche analysis from advertisements and medias to the field of sports.
Professional basketball,Marketing public relations media,Memory,Attitude,Niche theory,Consumer gratification
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