About KJA

The Korean Journal of Advertising (KJA) publishes top-quality research articles that contribute both theoretically and empirically to our understanding of all aspects of advertising from the academic, practitioner and public policy perspectives. KJA is the official journal of the Korea Advertising Society (KSA) and published eight times per year. The journal publishes original articles in areas such as advertising, media, consumer behavior, branding, direct marketing, sales promotions, sponsorship, public relations and integrated marketing communications (IMC). All articles in KJA undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and an anonymous referee system. Each submission is assessed by three reviewers in a double-blind process. Most published articles are likely to report new empirical findings that contribute to existing theory and practice in both advertising and marketing communications.

Editor-in-Chief : Bong Chul Kim


1. How to Contribute
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research welcomes the opportunity to publish your thinking, experiences and research. We are interested in articles on all areas of marketing, advertising, media and promotion research.
2. Before submit
Before submitting your paper please ensure that the paper conforms fully to our Guidelines for Contributors. Papers that do not meet the guidelines will be retuned to authors for correction.
3. How to submit
Please email your submissions to kaa0766@hamail.net