(1) The Korean Journal of Advertising receives manuscript submissions anytime
(2) Articles should follow the guidelines, otherwise they would be returned.
(3) Authors should visit the web submission system found at http://www.koads.or.kr where you can submit a manuscript.
Ⅱ. Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
The text format should follow the latest edition of American Psychological Association (APA) style.
Following guidelines are the most important rules regarded as the most important in APA style.
1. Manuscripts should be submitted as Word documents (doc, docx) or Hancom Office documents (hwp).
2. The Korean Journal of Advertising welcomes submissions that make contributions to the field of advertisement and promote peer interaction.
1. Manuscripts should be submitted as Word documents (doc, docx) or Hancom Office documents (hwp).
2. The Korean Journal of Advertising welcomes submissions that make contributions to the field of advertisement and promote peer interaction. (Around 25 sheets of A4 paper in length)
- Top and bottom margins follow standard margins for A4 paper.
- Line spacing is 160%, 35~40 lines per page.
- Chapter titles/Subhead/Second-Level subhead/Third-Level subhead set as 1. 1). (1). 가.
- 10.5 point font for main text and 24 point font for the title is used
- Page number is necessary ? all tables and figures are clearly numbered, explained and inserted into the desired section.
- Footnotes should be minimized. Numbers are displayed in the upper right and the content is written at the bottom.
- References should be organized alphabetically depending on the author's surnames.
3. Cover page should contain the following information: (1) title, (2) research design (empirical, descriptive, or case studies), (3) author's name and contact information (affiliation, position, address, contact number, e-mail). Corresponding author should be identified (The first author should be written at first).
4. All manuscripts contain an abstract and key words (both in Korean and English) in a separate page.
5. Manuscripts stemmed from a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation should inform it in a footnote.
1. The author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Kinsey, 1960; 김은하, 1970), or Kinsey(1960), 김은하(1970).
2. If you refer a certain page, paragraph or formula, the page number should be cited, for example (김은하, 1970, p. 35).
3. In case of a work by two to five authors, List all the authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses the first time you cite the source. Use the word "and" between the authors' names within the text and use the ampersand in the parentheses. In subsequent citations, only use the first author's last name followed by "et al." in the signal phrase or in parentheses. In the case of six or more authors, use the first author's name followed by et al. in the signal phrase or in parentheses.
4. In case of two or more works by the same author, order by year of publication, earliest to latest. If the same authors and the same year, order alphabetically by first word of the title, and a lower-case a, b, etc., to the year, for example, (Smith, 1981a,1981b).
1. All references in the reference list must appear in the text and all references cited in the text must have an entry in the reference list.
2. Order the reference list alphabetically by authors' surnames with the year
3. Periodicals
Authors are named last name followed by initials; publication year goes between parentheses, followed by a period. The title of the article is in sentence-case, meaning only the first word and proper nouns in the title are capitalized. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.
For example,
이호배, 김정태, 정이규. (1997). 유명인 광고모델 속성이 광고태도와 상표태도에 미치는 영향. 광고학 연구, 8(2), 167-181. Wensley, R. M. (1981). Strategic marketing: Betas, boxes, or basics. Journal of Marketing, 45), 173-82.
4. Books
강진령(1997). APA 논문작성법. 서울: 양서원
Donnelly, J. H., and William, R. G. (1981). People in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
5. Edited Book
한규석 (1997). 사회심리학에서의 문화비교연구. 한국 심리학회(편), 심리학에서의 비교문화 연구. 서울: 성원사
Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority youth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Ⅲ. Addendum
This is amended October 17th,2014,and will be implemented starting on January1st,2015.
[Information for authors]
"The Korean Journal of Advertising is published to contribute to researches and development related to advertising theory and practices."
The Korean Journal of Advertising, the official journal of 「Korea Advertising Society」, is the leading and representative journal in advertising studies in Korea in terms of high-quality of articles, authors and citation frequency, and registered in the Kora Research Foundation. Having been published 8 times a year since 1989, The Korean Journal of Advertising becomes the only one has historicity and traditionality. Manuscripts for submission to the Korean Journal of Advertising should be written according to the following rules.
Topics: The Korean Journal of Advertising welcomes all academic articles related to advertising studies.
Manuscript Length: 20-30 sheets of A4 paper (font size 10p, line spacing 17p)
Manuscript Selection: All text files (both Korean and English) should be in Hancom Office format. By post, a disk and 3 hardcopy manuscripts; by e-mail, no disk and no hardcopy.
Fee for publication:
1. Publication fee: 100,000 won. 200,000 won for non-members (should be marked on the manuscript).
2. Account number: 100-024-013057 Shinhan Bank (account holder: Korea Advertising Society)
Submission of manuscript: Authors should visit the web submission system found at http://www.koads.or.kr where you can submit a manuscript.
Chapter 1 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics must be pledged to join as a researcher of Korean Advertising Society (KAS). Those already researchers at the time when this Code of Ethics took effect are deemed to have pledged to this Code of Ethics.
Conflicts between the Code of Ethics and the current Laws
If current laws or regulations of KAS limit the Code of Ethics, the former shall take priority over the latter. If the Code of Ethics set up more strict standards than the requirements of current law or regulations of Korea Advertising Society, researchers shall observe the Code of Ethics.
Report of Ethics Violations
If researchers are aware of other researchers' problems that violate the Code of Ethics, they shall attempt to resolve the problems by helping the researchers become aware of their problems. If the problems remain unresolved, or if the problems are clear violations of the Code of Ethics and the informal approaches are not appropriate for solution, then the matters should be reported to the Publication Committee of KAS. The Publication Committee of KAS shall not reveal the identity of researchers who informed the problems.
Guaranteeing the Opportunities to Explain Themselves and Confidentiality
Researchers who have been reported for a violation of the Code of Ethics should be given sufficient opportunities to explain themselves.
Also, the identity of researchers who violated the Code of Ethics should not be disclosed until the KAS Committee makes a decision to take disciplinary actions.
Chapter 2 Research-related Ethics
Researchers engaged in research have the fundamental rights to academic freedom and the social obligations and responsibilities that entail them.
① Researchers should not discriminate against ideology, religion, age, gender, social class and cultural groups, and accept and recognize the academic achievements in their own rights.
② Researchers shall be open to criticism of their researches, and continue to be skeptical about their knowledge.
③ Researchers shall have attitudes to correct their errors if convincing evidences have been found to refute their claims.
④ Researchers shall review new research issues, system of thoughts and approaches without prejudice.
When approval of the institution is required in the implementation of the research, researchers shall provide accurate information about the research project and get the approval before they conduct research. In addition, the research should be carried out as the approved research proposal.
Researchers shall have the following responsibilities for the research participants.
① Researchers respect the dignity and personality of research participants, as well as their rights to privacy and self-determination as individuals.
② Researcher shall take measures to ensure the safety and welfare of study participants that might be exposed to the risk.
③ Researcher shall not give a psychological and physical damage to participants, and when participants show any signs of unexpected painful response, research should be put to a halt immediately.
Responsibility for Research Participants
1. The participation in research shall be determined by the free will of the participants. Thus, Researchers should acquire consent from the participants regarding their participation in research. When Researchers acquire consent from the participants, they shall inform them of the followings and provide them the opportunities to ask questions and hear the answers.
① The purpose, expected duration, and procedures of the research
② The rights to participate in the study or quit midway
③ The expected consequences when the participants refuse to participate in or withdraw from the study
④ Potential risks, dangers, pain and harmful effects that may be expected to have impacts on the willingness to participate
⑤ Benefits that are expected to be achieved by participating in the study
⑥ The limits of confidentiality
⑦ Possible compensations or benefits for participation.
2. Researchers to perform intervention studies that include experimental treatments shall clearly inform participants of the following from the beginning of the research:
① Nature of the experimental treatment
② Services that will be available or unavailable to the control group
③ Methods with which to allocate to the treatment group or the control group
④ Treatment alternatives in the case where individuals may not want to participate in the study or individuals may want to quit once the research has already begun
⑤ Compensation and monetary rewards for research participation.
Researchers may exempts from receiving consent from research participants in the following cases:
1. The research is judged not to do harm or cause suffering.
① Research performed in the education settings with respect to educational practices, curricula, or classroom management methods
② Disclosure of the responses of the study participants would not place them at risk of civil or criminal liability or damage their financial status, employment prospects, or reputations, or the research is conducted in the forms of anonymous questionnaire, naturalistic observations or data collection study where confidentiality is protected
③ Research on a number of factors related to job or organizational efficiency, performed at the organizational settings and there is no risk to the employment prospects or confidentiality of the participants.
2. The research is permitted by law or the institutional rules.
Report of Research Results
① Researchers shall not manipulate data.
② When the identities of the research subjects are identifiable from the data, researchers shall report data after anonymizing them.
③ When researchers discovered critical errors from the published data, researchers shall take measures to rectify the errors using appropriate publication means such as correction, cancellation, and errata.
Researchers should not present articles or writings containing research and claims that they did not perform, as if those were their own. Even if the sources are referred several times in the articles or writings, it is still considered plagiarism to present parts of other authors' findings and ideas as their own.
Publishing Credits
① Researchers are only responsible for and accredited as an author for the studies they have conducted or contributed to.
② With regard to the order of author or authors in an article, researchers shall accurately reflect the relative contribution, regardless of the hierarchic position. It is not justifiable for someone to become a co-author or the first author just because one possesses a certain position. Small contributions to the study and publication can be acknowledged in footnote, introduction or acknowledgment sections as an expression of gratitude.
③ Except in exceptional circumstances, the relevant student shall be the first author when an article stemmed from a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation involves several other co-authors.
Dual Publication of Research Data
Regardless of domestic or international publishing, researchers shall not publish or attempt to publish the previously published material (including material to be published soon or under review) as if it was a new material. If authors try to publish the already published data, they should, at the time of the publication request, ask to the editor of the journal in which they wish to publish if their papers are subject to dual publication.
Sharing Data for Re-verification of the Research Results
① After results are released, other researchers may request the data for the purpose of verifying the results through reanalysis. Insofar as confidentiality of original research participants can be protected and researchers shall provide the data if there is no copyright issues banning the release of the data.
② Researchers who received the data as described in the above item shall use the data just for those specific purposes. If they want to use the data for different purposes, they must obtain prior written consent.
Researchers who review the manuscripts, academic presentation, and research proposals shall maintain confidentiality about the content and authors of the materials and respect the authors' copyright.
Enacted in November 2006
Effective January 2004
Effective January 2015